• Requiring Further Explanation

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    7292 Maybe I will be a star, or maybe just a clown. I'll never know until I try. The Monkees, I'll Be Back Upon My Feet
    7293 Me and my cat named Dog are walking high against the fog. Norma Tanega, My Cat Named Dog
    7294 Monkeys stand for honesty. Simon and Garfunkel, At The Zoo
    7295 Mundo paparazi mi amore chicka ferdy parasol. Cuesto obrigado tanta mucho que can eat it carousel. The Beatles, Sun King
    7296 My brothers and sisters hated me because I was an only child. Weird Al Yankovic, Generic Blues
    7297 My life is not a game that I play to entertain you. Madonna, Goodbye To Innocence
    7298 My uncle used to love me, but she died. Roger Miller, My Uncle Used To Love Me, But She Died
    7299 My words are a whisper, your deafness a shout. Jethro Tull, Thick As A Brick Part One
    7300 New blanket acned with cigarette burns, speak at once while taking turns. Nirvana, Friendly Unit Shifter
    7301 One night I dreamed of New York, you and I roasting blue pork, in the Statue of Liberty's torch. Was (Not Was), Walk The Dinosaur
    7302 Parade your pallor in iniquity. Pete Townshend, Give Blood
    7303 Please remember what I told you to forget. Tavares, Remember What I Told You To Forget
    7304 Practice makes perfect, and perfect is a fault, and fault lines change. REM, I Believe
    7305 Rap is the greatest thing from blacks. Public Enemy, Last Mass Of The Caballero
    7306 R-E-S-P-E-C-T, take out the TCP. Otis Redding; Aretha Franklin, Respect
    7307 Ring the bells for the blind and deaf. Bob Dylan, Ring Them Bells
    7308 Say it a little bit softer now, shout. Isley Brothers, Shout
    7309 Sea over yonder, when the right are read your name-ah. You search for the riddle to the clue to the river she came. Look out on the land to south to the east three said-ah. Cheap Trick, Look Out
    7310 Sex offenders, junkies, murderers, and thieves, they're in the elevator waiting for the priest to leave. Rough Trade, Take Me
    7311 She's so beautiful, I swear I'd sleep with her brother. Too Much Joy, King Of Beers