• Frank Zappa,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    There is no hell, there is only France. Frank Zappa, Church Chat
    It's the same mysterious exotic oriental fragrance as what the Beatles get off on. Frank Zappa, Dental Hygiene Dilemma
    We was on our way to fame, got matching suits and Beatle boots. Frank Zappa, Joe's Garage
    Wowie zowie, love me do. Wowie zowie, and I'll love you, too. Frank Zappa, Wowie Zowie
    Ram it up your poop chute. Frank Zappa, Broken Hearts Are For Assholes
    Sit and spin 'til you rot on the cosmic utensil. Frank Zappa, Packard Goose
    I want a steamy little Jewish Princess with over-worked gums, who squeaks when she cums. I don't want no troll, I just want a Yemenite hole. Frank Zappa, Jewish Princess
    Disco boy, no one understands, but thank the lord you still got hands. Frank Zappa, Disco Boy
    Sexual gratification can only be achieved through the use of machines. Frank Zappa, A Token Of My Extreme
    Find you a bridge and take a jump. Just make certain you do it right the first time, cause nothing's worse than a suicide chump. Frank Zappa, Suicide Chump
    Stuff up the cracks, turn on the gas, I'm gonna take my life. Frank Zappa, Stuff Up The Cracks
    I want a hairy little Jewish Princess with a brand new nose, who knows where it goes. Frank Zappa, Jewish Princess
    I never have no trouble with my rubber girl. Frank Zappa, Little Rubber Girl
    In your dreams you can see yourself as a prophet saving the world. Frank Zappa, The Orange County Lumber Jack
    Don't get no jizz upon the sofa. Frank Zappa, Stick It Out
    Her head is full of bubbles, her nose is petite, she looks like she never gets nothing to eat. Frank Zappa, Any Kind Of Pain
    Hey ugly folks, go get some cyanide and die. Frank Zappa, I'm So Cute
    Tosses her head and flips her hair, she got a whole bunch of nothing in there. Frank Zappa, Valley Girl
    Find her, blind her, see who designed her. Act like a dummy until you grind her. Frank Zappa, Find Her Finer
    Hair growing out every hole in me. Frank Zappa, Concentration Moon
    Listen honey, would I lie to you to get in your pants? Frank Zappa, Do You Like My New Car
    Our big prize tonight is fifty American dollars to the girl with the most exciting mammalian protuberances. Frank Zappa, Wet T-Shirt Nite
    She was a steady date until she put on some weight. Frank Zappa, Big Leg Emma
    The bigger the cushion, the better the pushin'. Frank Zappa, Sex
    What ya say, fellows, nice set of jugs? Now Mary, how's about shaking it around a little? Frank Zappa, The Wet T-Shirt Contest