• Contemporary Realities

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    1855 Crime is increasing, trigger happy policing. Panic is spreading, God knows where we're heading. Marvin Gaye, Inner City Blues
    1856 Dance and drink and screw because there's nothing else to do. Pulp, Common People
    1857 Darken the city, night is a wire, steam in the subway, earth is a fire. Duran Duran, Hungry Like The Wolf
    1858 Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? Cold comfort for change? And did you exchange a walk on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage? Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
    1859 Did they tell you the name of the game boy, it's called riding the gravy train. Pink Floyd, Have A Cigar
    1860 Don't belong. Don't exist. Don't give a shit. Don't ever judge me. Slipknot, Surfacing
    1861 Don't give me no hand me down world. The Guess Who, Hand Me Down World
    1862 Don't need a bandage, there's too much blood. Pearl Jam, Whipping
    1863 Don't tell me I've got no soul when the machines take over. Queen, Machines
    1864 Don't you know that it's true, that for me and for you, the world is a ghetto. War, The World Is A Ghetto
    1865 Don't you know the crime rate is going up, up, up, up, up. To live in this town you must be tough, tough, tough, tough, tough. The Rolling Stones, Shattered
    1866 Drink from chalice of cheap escape and fade away. Live, Lighthouse
    1867 Drive-in movies, comic books, and blue jeans, howdy doody, baseball cards, and birthdays. Please take me back to the world gone away. Chicago, Old Days
    1868 Elusive dreams and vague desires fanned to fiery needs by deadly deeds of falling empires. Joni Mitchell, Fiction
    1869 Emptiness is filling me, to the point of agony. Metallica, Fade To Black
    1870 Empty visions of a world gone mad paints a picture so revealing, through my window dark tomorrow I can hear the sirens wailing. Kansas, Cold Grey Morning
    1871 Envy, greed, lust, and hate, separate. Wu-Tang Clan, A Better Tomorrow
    1872 Every night for dinner we had a big chunk of dirt. Weird Al Yankovic, When I Was Your Age
    1873 Every night I'm more alone as the saints turn into sinners. Styx, Show Me The Way
    1874 Everybody gets high, everybody gets low, these are the days when anything goes. Prince; Sheryl Crow, Every Day Is A Winding Road