• Insults

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    967 You don't need a doctor, you need a vet. Queen, Love On A Tightrope
    968 You even worry my pet. Joe Jones, You Talk Too Much
    969 You grimy as birds shittin' on the top of ya Fords. 50 Cent, That's Whats Up
    970 You had harpoon marks and your boobies they were hairy. Bloodhound Gang, You're Pretty When I'm Drunk
    971 You look like you been whupped by an ugly stick. Bo Diddley, Say Man
    972 You must believe in cranial chaos. Autopsy, Hole In The Head
    973 You must wanna be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the dumbest. Puff Daddy, Special Delivery
    974 You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot, Happy Christmas. The Pogues, Fairytale Of New York
    975 You think you're smart, that's stupid. ABC, Poison Arrow
    976 You titty suckin' two balled bitch. Korn, K@#0%!
    977 You were born as a premature birth, defaced, miscarriage would be a better word. Pungent Stench, Sick Bizarre Defaced Creation
    978 You were just a waste of sperm. Slayer, I Hate You
    979 Your face looked like something Death brought with him in his suitcase. Warren Zevon, The French Intruder
    980 Your girlfriend use to be a guy. Primus, Pork Soda
    981 Your mind has turned to applesauce. Steely Dan, Cousin Dupree
    982 Your mouth is like a funeral where kisses go to die. Jack Off Jill, Clear Hearts Grey Flowers
    983 Your mouth smells like my jock strap. Kool Moe Dee, Death Blow
    984 Your pot belly, I'd give that a 10 for size. Bobby Bare, Numbers
    985 Your thumb and forefinger supposed to show you're not a wild beast. Crash Test Dummies, In The Days Of The Caveman
    986 You're a double dork butt rash. Frank Zappa, Luigi And The Wise Guys