• References to the Beatles

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    4087 We was on our way to fame, got matching suits and Beatle boots. Frank Zappa, Joe's Garage
    4088 Well, I've never been to England, but I kind of like the Beatles. Three Dog Night, Never Been To Spain
    4089 When the Beatles tell you, they got a word love to sell you, they mean exactly what they say. Peter, Paul, and Mary, I Dig Rock And Roll Music
    4090 Why don't the Beatles get back together? Why don't nobody sing of romance? Billy Joel, All You Wanna Do Is Dance
    4091 Will you remember Jerry Lee, John Lennon, T. Rex? Ramones, Do You Remember Rock And Roll Radio?
    4092 With a Smith and Wesson 38, John Lennon's life was no longer a debate. The Cranberries, I Just Shot John Lennon
    4093 Wowie zowie, love me do. Wowie zowie, and I'll love you, too. Frank Zappa, Wowie Zowie
    4094 Yeah, yeah, I've been Beatled, I've been Rolling Stoned. Sammy Hagar, Keep On Rockin'
    4095 Yesterday love was such an easy game for you to play. But now let's face it, things are so much easier today. Let it be like yesterday. The Kinks, Where Have All The Good Times Gone
    4096 Yoko brought the walrus, there was magic in the air. Ricky Nelson, Garden Party
    4097 You ain't bad, but we've heard it before. Yeah, it sounds like John, Paul, and George. Sugar Loaf, Don't Call Us, We'll Call You
    4098 You might think you see a lucky man who made the grade. Billy Squire, Nobody Knows
    4099 You wait and see, another few thousand years they're gonna dig up me. I'll have all my little treasures near at hand, a CD of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Michael Smith, Dead Egyptian Blues
    4100 You're the only girl I ever met who hates Hey Jude, maybe that's the reason that I'm so in love with you. Sparks, Rockin' Girls