• Evil

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    3742 From the brightest star comes the blackest hole. You had so much to offer, why did you offer your soul? U2, Crumbs From Your Table
    3743 From the cradle to the grave, temptations all around. But no matter how good the fix, its gonna take you down. Keith Urban, You're Not My God
    3744 From the dark side, we can see the glow of something bright. Dave Matthews Band, Pig
    3745 Full of criss-crossed fits, you lie all the time. Your tongue should be embarrassed, you're a threat to mankind. L.L. Cool J, That's A Lie
    3746 God damn the pusher. Steppenwolf, The Pusher
    3747 God is empty just like me. Smashing Pumpkins, Zero
    3748 Gold flowed freely like whiskey in the bars, sinning was the big thing Lord and Satan was the star. Marshall Tucker Band, Fire On The Mountain
    3749 Good intentions can be evil, both hands are full of grease. You know, sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace. Bob Dylan, Man Of Peace
    3750 Got demons on both shoulders. Busta Rhymes, Why We Die
    3751 Hate hate hate hatred for all, one and all. No matter what you believe, don't believe in you. Type O Negative, We Hate Everyone
    3752 Hate is so much easier to feel than love. Anthrax, Blood
    3753 Hate is what you breed. What do you expect me to be? Nailbomb, World Of Shit
    3754 Hatred keeps me alive. Tool, Bottom
    3755 He put some tacks on the teacher's chair, puts chewing gum in little girl's hair. Larry Williams; The Beatles, Bad Boy
    3756 He speaks four letter language because his mind is small. His voice is like venom, I don't like him at all. Rodney Crowell, The Man In Me
    3757 Heaven help me for the way I am, save me from these evil deeds before I get them done. Fiona Apple, Criminal
    3758 Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl. Stevie Wonder, Heaven Help Us All
    3759 Hell can't stop us now. Rage Against The Machine, Guerilla Radio
    3760 Hell have no fury like a young girls ego. Duran Duran, Meet El Presidente
    3761 Hell is for cons and suckered souls. Pennywise, Who's To Blame