• U2,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head? U2, One
    I want to reach out and touch the flame. U2, Where The Streets Have No Name
    An intellectual turtle racing with your bullet train. U2, All Because Of You
    Like a thought unchained, like a runaway train, I need your love. U2, Hawkmoon 269
    Slight of hand and twist of fate, on a bed of nails she makes me wait. U2, With Or Without You
    Freedom has a scent like the top of a new born baby's head. U2, Miracle Drug
    When the soul wants, the soul waits. U2, A Man And A Woman
    One day you will look back and you'll see, where you were held up by His love. U2, Mysterious Ways
    With a mouth full of teeth, you ate all your friends. U2, Crumbs From Your Table