• Nine Inch Nails,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    Nothing can stop me now, cause I don't care anymore. Nine Inch Nails, Piggy
    You can find happiness in slavery. Nine Inch Nails, Happiness In Slavery
    You made me throw it all away, my morals left to decay, how many you betray. Nine Inch Nails, Terrible Lie
    My beautiful liar, oh my precious whore. My disease, my infection, I am so impure. Nine Inch Nails, Reptile
    Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, I'm going to come all over you. Nine Inch Nails, Big Man With A Gun
    This is the first day of my last days. Nine Inch Nails, Wish
    I want to fuck you like an animal, I want to feel you from the inside. Nine Inch Nails, Closer