• George Harrison,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    Didn't want to be a star, wanted just to play guitar in this cockamamie business. George Harrison, Cockamamie Business
    Some got rabies, some got fleas, some got incurable diseases from this cockamamie business. George Harrison, Cockamamie Business
    This song ain't black or white and as far as I know it don't infringe on anyone's copyright. George Harrison, This Song
    If your dog should be dead, I'm gonna love you instead. George Harrison, Cheer Down
    I was so young when I was born. George Harrison, Crackerbox Palace
    Everything is Dinky Doo. George Harrison, His Name Is Legs
    It's easier to tell a lie, than to tell the truth. It's easier to kill a fly, than it is to turn it loose. George Harrison, See Yourself
    What's often in your heart is the hardest to reach. George Harrison, The Answers At The End