• Elvis Costello,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    When they finally put you in the ground, I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down. Elvis Costello, Tramp The Dirt Down
    For all the courage that we never had, I'm just about glad. Elvis Costello, Just About Glad
    The truth can't hurt you, it's just like the dark. It scares you witless, but in time you see things clear and stark. Elvis Costello, I Want You
    There are a few things that I regret, but nothing that I need to forget. Elvis Costello, Just About Glad
    I could promise that I'll always be true to you, but we may not live to be so old. Elvis Costello, Men Called Uncle
    If it wasn't for some acci-accidents, then some would never learn. Elvis Costello, Chemistry Class
    She's filing her nails while they are dragging the lake. Elvis Costello, Watching The Detective
    Days of Dutch courage, just three French letters, and a German sense of humour. Elvis Costello, Man Out Of Time
    Sleeping with forgiveness in your heart for me. Elvis Costello, Boy With A Problem
    The wages of sin are an expensive infection. Elvis Costello, Love For Tender
    You lack lust, you're so lackluster. Elvis Costello, Possession
    History repeats the old conceits, the glib replies, the same defeats. Elvis Costello, Beyond Belief
    There's no money back guarantee on future happiness. Elvis Costello, The Long Honeymoon