Teenagers and young adults represent the largest buying segment among the $12 billion annual music industry. Naturally, some musical acts attempt to increase their popularity, record sales, and the number of groupies, by marketing their musical acts to teenagers. This category contains quotes from many songs that target the affection of underage adolescents. At what point do these “concerned humanitarians” go too far, if at all?
An estimated 10,000,000 Americans have been sexually abused while growing up. Apparently, this figure must be highly inflated or this is an acceptable condition in society due to the relative silence and inaction surrounding the issue. Is it ever acceptable for adults to use children for sex? What are all of the negative impacts upon the victims of sexual abuse?
Although innocent victims of sexual abuse have nothing to be ashamed about, it needs to be emphasized that since sexual offenders frequently repeat, that many additional victims are created because of the silence surrounding the issue. Perhaps more victims would come forward and identify their abusers, if statutes of limitations were expanded/lifted for child abuse cases.
In addition, there is a growing concern of attempts within the medical profession to normalize the sexual abuse of children. Has society become so open minded, non-judgmental, non-confrontational, apathetic, and self absorbed that we are willing to tolerate even the sexual abuse of children?
And what of the topic of child pornography? Is speech that is used to seduce children or exploit children fully protected by the Constitution? Ideally, one should have total freedom of speech and expression, but in reality there is no such thing in the United States. In a complicated world filled with diverse people and competing needs, freedom of speech and expression is often placed under certain constraints and limitations.
One point is clear though, and that is that there is no such thing as total unlimited and unconstrained free speech and expression under the Constitution in the United States, or anywhere there is a collective group of people defining a society. There exist thousands of situations and circumstances in which unlimited and unconstrained free speech and expression is not fully protected under the U.S. Constitution.
The truth is we give up many of our personal freedoms when we belong to a society. The question and challenge then becomes, how do we balance such diverse and competing needs among so many different people?
When it comes to music and lyrics there are six primary entities that each have individual rights and are all competing for personal freedom. They are:
Does the Constitution give freedom for adults to seduce children for sex?