This category contains strange or improper English (i.e., improper or strange grammar, spelling, sentence structure, slang, word choice, tone, style, themes, approaches, etc.). Many of the strange or improper English employed in song lyrics are due to trying to force poetic rhymes and verse to rhythmic meter. Others may be caused by attempts at humor, lazy grammar, cultural and regional differences, and sub-standard education.
For some, learning proper English may not seem very important. However, communication is one of the most vital aspects of human existence. It is absolutely necessary to have standards for communication, including proper grammar. The reality of the situation is that the inability to communicate effectively and clearly can severely set back one’s career and quality of life. Fundamental reading and writing is essential to almost any growing career path and wealthy and healthy society.
The growing global economy has produced a demand for multi-linguist capabilities, and there is a need for standards in communication. Based on its historical influence and the wealth of English speaking economies, English has become one of the leading languages for the future global economy. It is essential that all Americans master English as a primary language, and suggested that they learn several other languages to increase their utility in the future global economy.
As a society, is there really an acceptable excuse why that in the United States, which is regarded as the greatest nation in the world, that we do not have 100% literacy and master of educational fundamentals? Perhaps our low expectations are the only thing that is preventing us.
Another way that grammar can be ugly is by using profanity. If one is intelligent and educated, is profanity the best way one can describe something? What type of image is projected by someone who uses profanity? Does profanity show a lack of class, civility, respect, politeness, and can be degrading to both the user and object/target? Does it illustrate an inability to use the English language to express oneself, a laziness in substituting negative words for the adjectives and adverbs that make our language colorful and powerful? Are there more powerful words that can provide deeper meaning into a situation?
Are the excuses for profanity justified (i.e., because it is perceived as cool, effective in emphasizing points, may relieve stress in an impulse)? Does the degree of offense intended matter? What about profanity that is meant to demean, provoke, and insult? Is profanity with racial and sexist overtones acceptable?
Is profanity a negative action that displays self pettiness? Can words themselves be negative? Can people promote a negative environment through their word selection and choice? Is profanity necessary?