• Chapter Commentary - Women are Evil

    Chapter Commentary - Women are Evil

    This is one of those categories that just developed on its own because of the numerous quotes collected that referred to women as "evil."

    The most logical explanation for this is that rock and roll has been mainly dominated by men, who often take out their frustrations, disappointments, and rejections with the opposite sex by putting them down. It would be interesting to hear the perspectives from the women's point of view of who they are singing about in the song. There exist some instances when women probably deserve such criticisms, but men are just as equally capable of the same cruelties.

    What are the qualities in people that are disliked the most?  Could some of the non-desirable attributes be dishonesty, deception, lying, cheating, corruption, hate, anger, violence, jealousy, cruelty, bitterness, pettiness, inconsideration, thoughtlessness, self-absorption, abusiveness, and greed?  Do we reward these qualities with our indifferences and desires to win at any cost?

    What are the qualities in people that are liked the most?  Could some of the desirable attributes be honesty, trust worthiness, integrity, love, kindness, compassion, peaceful intent, joy, laughter, generosity, charity, thoughtfulness, goodwill, forgiveness, intelligence, maturity, and confidence?  Do we penalize these qualities with our indifferences, taking people for granted, and desires to win at any cost?

    Although people are ultimately responsible for their own behavior, what role do we as individuals in society have in reinforcing the desired human qualities and behavior in others?