• Chapter Commentary - Virtual Unreality (Application for the Insane)

    Chapter Commentary - Virtual Unreality (Application for the Insane)

    This category contains song quotes that refer to mental health ailments and the state of one's sanity.

    Does the entertainment industry establish unrealistic models and expectations for society to measure against?  For example, does the entertainment industry promote the ideas that "beautiful people" are better and more deserving in life, all women should be thin and big breasted, gratuitous violence is good entertainment, criminals can somehow be heroes, and that if one does not buy a certain product or achieve a certain status one will be less popular, adored, or loved.

    How does creating unrealistic expectations as promoted by the entertainment industry affect society in negative ways?  For example, can creating unrealistic expectations result in: low self esteem, promote ineffective ways to resolve conflicts, sexual behavior that is emotionally unfulfilling, unnecessary anxieties and peer pressures, desensitizing the public to violence, and promoting low standards of behavior?

    How do you think you may be affected by entertainment industry and media (i.e., why do you buy certain brand products)?  Or what makes you think that you are above the eroding effects of the entertainment industry and media (i.e., not desensitized to violence, not numb from information overload, etc.)?  How different do you think society would be without the negative influences of the entertainment industry and media or would there be any difference?