This category makes reference to people afflicted with gender identity disorders, and other sexual disorders such as homosexuality, which can be successfully treated by specially trained medical professionals for those who are motivated.
Are all sexual applications and impulses really equal in value, or do some have a higher meaning and purpose (i.e., a moral quality)? Is life affirming and supporting applications of sex (such as for natural procreation and reproduction) equal in merit and purpose to that of recreational sex, fornication, adultery, prostitution, homosexual sex, sadomasochism, pedophilia, rape, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, etc.? Is self restraint from sexual activity outside the boundaries of male-female marriage, which supports life through through natural procreation, a virtue for all humans to pursue? In what ways does humanity benefit from self restraint and what are the destructive aspects of immoral sexual activity upon individuals, families, and society?