This category contains song quotes that make reference to social and cultural taboos.
Some people may say, "Who needs laws, civility, morality, decency, tradition, culture, and rules? These are only mere words, and they only represent boundaries that religious fanatics or moral self-righteous hypocrites establish to maintain a sense of order in the universe and to control and repress others. They are repressive upon our freedom and liberty, and we should be able to do whatever we want."
This is would be a great philosophy, if it were only true that the universe, planet, environment, countries, communities, families, friendships, relationships, and our own existence were non-interconnected, non-integrated, and non-impacting upon one another.
There are some individuals who do not agree with the existing establishment, and would like to overturn it, and have started a process to accomplish that goal. Their vision of a new establishment is rather than addressing and fixing the problems with the current world, they want to create a new world where people are free to do anything they want without taking any responsibility to themselves or society. In essence, they do not want to strive for personal excellence or achieve their greatest potential individually or collectively as a team.
Most people agree that the existing establishment is far from perfect. With starvation, disease, war, unemployment, fatherless children, illiteracy, drug abuse, crime, pollution, and greed, the world is definitely far from perfect. But does that mean we should stop trying to address the problems and quit? Does quitting or showing apathy, indifference, and self indulgence solve the problems or does it allow the problems to manifest further?
Society is merging at a cross road in history where new scientific discoveries and engineering technologies, if focused and channeled properly, could solve many of the traditional problems facing the human race (i.e., famine, health ailments, disease, war, crime, etc.). However, for this to happen we must work as a team for the betterment of the whole. In addition, could any progress made by our new technology advances be offset by new problems caused by the diverse possible range and application of these technologies?
Can moral blurring, inability to make distinction, self interest, self rationalization result in the abuse of the new technologies for less-than-noble causes? Why should other people restrain themselves or make personal sacrifice when they look out upon the world and see nobody else making an effort to?
Finally, what type of consequences does one set forth in motion upon others in the world when they do not take personal responsibility for themselves and their actions? Do people who do not take responsibility for their actions help or hurt the world by creating additional problems that drain time, energy, and resources away from efforts that could be used for more important and higher purposes and goals?
Is this new establishment emerging before us a grand society, Utopia, or an empty promise? Is this really the type of world you want to live in and build towards? Do you want to be a part of the "Jerry Springer" generation that celebrates human underachievement, or do you have greater meaning and potential in life?