One might question the need for sex education in schools when children get all the information on sex from contemporary music, shock radio, soap operas, talk shows, TV sitcoms, music videos, cable shows, theatre movies, magazines, advertisements, and the internet.
Sex sells because it appeals to our primal instincts, like animals acting on urge. Hollywood and the record industry know this. In a superficial and shallow world of excessive individualism and instant gratification, sex means huge profits for the sellers of this material. Ultimately, one cannot blame the caring and thoughtful entertainment industry entirely on this one. Because we are a capitalistic society and by paying for these products with our money, it is us, the consumer, that reward and encourage them into producing more of these products.
Their profits have increased lavishly and steadily over the years because we have shown them that we are weak, gullible, apathetic, indifferent, and do not care. In fact, they count on our weak-mindedness and gullibility when they forecast their profit increases in their quarterly reports.
There are some individuals who think that teenagers engaging in sex is inevitable and that society should encourage or embrace this behavior, particularly when it may interfere with the convenience of getting their "personal jollies" in the media. And of the impacts of itching a child’s natural curiosity of the "forbidden adult world," the premature exposure to inappropriate material and robbing of innocence from their childhood, the creating of deluded and pathetic "badges of honor" for proving their manhood/womanhood, the creating of additional anxiety and pressure from their desire to fit-in with their peers, providing them with "libido driven" adult role models, teaching them that it is alright to have sex with the first person they date or that anything goes, teaching that love is irrelevant to sex, teaching that sex carries no responsibilities other than instant gratification, teaching that the act that leads to creating the miracle and gift of life is a "recreational game of hopscotch"... who cares if there is co-lateral damage?
Decades ago, parents were concerned about high schoolers engaging in irresponsible sex. Now parents have to be concerned about junior high schoolers. But who cares if 12, 13 and 14 year olds end up pregnant, drop out of school to become mothers and fathers, have abortions, suffer from low self esteem, suicides, get social diseases, AIDS, and develop distorted abnormal views on sex, love, and relationships?
Who cares about the resulting children born from teenage pregnancies that have a very high probability of an uphill struggle in life and deserve of a much better future…all because the short sighted parents were encouraged to refrain from personal responsibility or self control, as taught by their caring Hollywood and MTV teachers?
All that really matters is that adults should be able to get their personal jollies at the expense of the well being of children, teenagers, and young adults. Is that really our priorities in life?
Does engaging in sexual activity carry responsibility and potential repercussions? If people cannot live up to that responsibility and potential repercussions, should they engage in sexual activity?