• Chapter Commentary - Romance is Dead

    Chapter Commentary - Romance is Dead

    This category contains quotes from songs that could be considered romantic.

    In today’s information age, society appears to be in such a rush running around from place to place, thinking that the faster is better.  People and consumers want things in real-time.  They want instant gratification in their information, entertainment, and relationships.  Are all of society's progresses and changes necessary for the better?

    In addition, it would appear that many people today no longer aspire to high ideals and take the short term reward instead.  Over the past several decades, the failure to live up to high ideals has resulted in disappointment, cynicism, disparity, and hopelessness to the point where ideals are either compromised or lost on a daily basis.

    One such way that society does this is by making sex into casual meaningless recreation to be shared with anybody, anytime, anywhere.  Society has in effect cheapened themselves, cheapened their relationships, and slowly helped kill romance in the process.  Today's era of people having dozens to hundreds of different sexual partners and half a dozen divorces and re-marriages is a long departure from previous eras.  

    Aside from concerns of pregnancy, social disease, religious convictions, role acceptance, and protecting ones reputation, the saving of sex for marriage was viewed in the romantic notion that sex was so intimate, special, powerful, and a unique way of expression that a person would reserve that experience with the one person that they would share their whole life with, and with that one person only. There existed the romantic notion that people had a special partner in life waiting for them in their destiny.

    Such a personal sacrifice and serious commitment to another person was not taken lightly and special ceremonies were established to celebrate the union of such occasions of deep love.  In essence, sex was used as a symbol of commitment and a bond to reinforce the male-female marriage to last a life time.  Marriage then became the framework for raising children in a positive and idealistic environment, and sex was the means for pro-creating between men and women, passing on genetic and family line, and survival of the species.

    Although frequently ridiculed by contemporary society, is not saving one's sexual intimacy for that special person waiting in their destiny the ultimate romantic expression of one's love, display of self-worth, respect for their partner, and sign of commitment?  Is it not the ultimate romantic statement for two people to have saved a special, unique, intimate, and powerful one-of-a-kind expression of their love for each other and only each other?

    Are ideals and principles no longer worth aspiring to?  Is cynicism, pragmatism, and self-gratification the new standard?  If romance is not yet fully dead, is it not on its last breath?