• Chapter Commentary - The Nuclear Waste Family

    Chapter Commentary - The Nuclear Waste Family

    This category contains songs that make reference to family members and family related issues. Some of the references to families are fairly dark, perhaps indicating problems that may exist in society.

    In general, families reflect a large portion of what people may become in life. The experiences, values, and habits we learn from our family while growing up transcend into our adult lives.  However, there are undermining forces that make the passing on of family values difficult and producing children that are successful in society and responsible citizens.  Drugs, domestic abuse, child neglect, and divorce/single parent families have become too common in our society.

    As obstacles, they can be overcome in one’s life.  However, there is a lower probability of success for a family member exposed to one of these high risks.  In addition, the more of these high risks a family member is exposed to, the lower the cumulative probability of success.  Therefore, the best tactic is to work hard to prevent these from ever happening and put all the factors in you and your family’s favor.

    Those who believe that it is the parent's responsibility to look after their children are correct in that they face the main burden of responsibility.  Consistent and better consumer labeling for content could serve as an important aid for parents to better oversee the material to which their children are exposed.  However, labeling is not a cure all. Parental responsibility infers subjugating personal interests and ensuring time for children.  Even appropriate CDs and TV shows for children (or video games or the internet) are not acceptable surrogate parents.  To what extent does spending quality time with a child have exerting a positive influence in their lives?

    Parents and guardians also need to recognize that almost all teenagers and young adults go through "rebellious stages."  They need to be given some freedom to make decisions regarding the selection of music so as to establish their own self-identity, develop their decision making skills, and build self-confidence and independence.  This freedom may mean that they may make some mistakes along the way, but that is how they learn and grow, particularly with a supportive and caring parent.  But this should be done at the discretion of the parent, because as many parents recognize, not all children and teenagers are the same and require different approaches and formulas to raising.

    It is encouraged that parents spend time with their children discussing many of the issues regarding contemporary music and other forms of entertainment and show concern for their welfare. What type of positive impact can one have on a child by showing that you care and are concerned for their well being?  What are the outcomes and benefit from spending quality time with children?

    In addition, it needs to be emphasized that the best role models that a child can ever have is loving and caring parents that lead through personal example and spends quality time with their children.  Because of increased exposure, children are more sophisticated in their knowledge of the world and are very adept at picking up false sincerity and hypocrisy.  They watch the world very carefully and absorb their environments.  

    Finally, when children rebel against authority, the degree of rebelling behavior may be influenced by or measured against the level of personal conduct exemplified by the parents.  Since it may be inevitable that some children/teenagers rebel against authority, the task then becomes to minimize the negative impacts of their actions, rather than maximize.  

    What kind of person do you want your children to be like when they grow up?  What are you willing to sacrifice to try and make it happen?  Can parents be the greatest teacher and instructor that a child can have?