• Chapter Commentary - The New Gods

    Chapter Commentary - The New Gods

    This category includes song quotes that make reference to "musical heroes and idols" in songs.

    As we elevate certain idols onto pedestals, do we question whether they deserve these pedestals? Is a person worthy of admiration just because they generate entertainment and get their names in the media and headlines?

    Can we agree that heroes are not: Rock and roll musicians who are drug addicts, die from overdoses, or sell messages telling kids to do drugs, beat and rape women, kill others, kill themselves.

    Can we agree that heroes are: parents who work overtime to maintain an acceptable standard of living and do not cut corners; teachers who work in challenging environments for limited salaries; social workers that are constantly exposed to depressing and abusive conditions and rarely thanked for their services; policemen protecting us and our communities during difficult and dangerous times; veterans who have sacrificed their bodies, families, sanity, and lives protecting our often abused freedoms; and disadvantaged people who are born into or incur set backs and overcome obstacles placed in their path.

    Heroes are volunteers who work for not even a smile or a thank you, but because they know it is right. Heroes are the people who do the little things that make life better for the rest of us without us ever knowing.

    If there is recognition of the above, then why does it sometimes seems that society’s motto is "In Hollywood and MTV We Trust." By buying into their superficial world or by being indifferent and apathetic, by default, we have left them to direct our future as a society.

    Yes, there are individuals who abuse the freedoms and liberties that we cherish. Some do not care about the impact they have or their responsibility to society, but rather focus only on their self-interests. They continuously exploit the gray in our Constitution, our trust in our fellow citizens, and our wonderful ability to forgive and tolerate.

    What other idols than musical heroes do we worship in our lives? Could some of these other idols be money, career, sex, excessive materialism, vanity, adoration, and recognition?  How do these priorities detract from our real potential in life?