• Chapter Commentary - Mating Rituals and Habits of Homosapiens

    Chapter Commentary - Mating Rituals and Habits of Homosapiens

    This category contains references to where people go and what they do on dates. It would be very interesting to place rock and roll lyrics on a time line to track how the song content and culture has changed over the last 40 years, from drive-in movies to wild sex orgies.

    Hollywood and the entertainment industry have become so uncreative and unimaginative that they must rely on sex, violence, and shock to generate and capture interest in their products.  As people become more desensitized or bored, the entertainment industry has no remedy except to increase the volume/dosage to maintain people's interest.

    The concern is that society is being coached and led to believe by the entertainment industry that the little things in life are no longer important.  Little things like…the joy of a persons smile, taking a walk and holding someone's hand, having playful or serious conversations, exploring life's adventures, looking into each others eyes, laughing with each other, and feeling for each other's sadness.

    In general, we are being coached by the entertainment industry that that people are objects to be used for self gratification and exploitation, rather than as people worthy of love and respect.

    Sex is a natural part of life, and when put into its appropriate context it can be beautiful, powerful, and reinforce all that is good in life. When abused and misused, it can bring out the worst in people, such as using people, lack of respect, low self esteem, unwanted pregnancies, fatherless children, abortion, disease, perversion, etc.

    Is sex the most important thing in life?  Is sex the most important aspects of a relationship?