This category contains song quotes that refer to or advocate for various social causes.
One might not agree with of all of their ideas, agendas, or means, but entertainers who think big and pursue their personal beliefs and high ideals through action deserve a certain degree of respect and praise. However, perhaps it could be even better if some of these individuals would be a little more consistent by honestly reflecting on some of their own negative impacts on the world. Maybe if some of them laid off the drugs and self-indulgence a little more...
In addition, it is interesting how many of these entertainers complain that elected officials, civil servants, corporations, and scientists do not utilize their talents and positions to develop and implement programs and technologies that benefit humanity. Meanwhile, how are entertainers that use their talents and positions of influence to negative ends any different from them? Perhaps, if these entertainers tried leading by example...
And are consumers neglectful as well when they financially support the entertainers that generate negative material? How can people realistically expect others to utilize their talents and positions on behalf of humanity, when they cannot even refrain themselves from something as non-essential and secondary in life as recreational entertainment? Maybe, if people displayed some self-restraint…
It is interesting how everybody wants a quality finished product in society, but nobody wants to make the personal sacrifice, effort, or work. Can excellence and greatness be achieved without commitment, discipline, and the pains of self-sacrifice? Or does it happen on its own without effort?
There is a great irony about the entertainment industry. They claim that they care so much about humanity, as illustrated by their contributing to some charitable causes and save the world specials. Although some of their charitable work is extremely admirable and generous, how can it possibly compensate for the daily dosages and damage they impart through the media, particularly upon children?
Are they really building a better world the rest of the time? Does their generous charity work provide a "free pass" and "green light" to abscond from other responsibilities to society? Why does everyone always blame the other person for the cause of problems, rather than looking internally for their own possible contributions or taking personal responsibility? Is there room for self improvement?