• Chapter Commentary - The Final Solution

    Chapter Commentary - The Final Solution

    Although some practitioners of religion may find it "offensive or blasphemous" for others to question, critique, disagree, or humor with their religion, is this not what freedom of religion and freewill is all about?

    With that being said, however, there is a code of civility of basic tolerance and respect that we as human beings living in a world full of so many diverse religious beliefs and non-religious beliefs that must adhere to in order to live together peacefully (i.e., Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, infidels, etc.).

    It is extremely disappointing to find that some entertainers breach this code of civility with names of musical acts, song titles, lyrics, album covers, videos, and stage shows that show extreme disrespect, intolerance, hate, and contempt for various people’s religious convictions.

    It may seem harmless, funny, or vengeful to some individuals, but it is this type of hate, contempt, ignorance, and sickness that planted the seeds and ultimately led to the Nazis exterminating over 6 million Jews, Christian Poles/Slavs, Jehova Witnesses, clergy, gypsies, people with physical and mental disabilities, homosexuals, communists, socialists, and political enemies in death camps during World War II, only 50 short years ago. History has proven over and over that it repeats itself, if one lets it.

    Hate, derogatory remarks, insults, threats, and violence towards the practitioners of such religions is not acceptable, just as it is equally not acceptable for those practitioners to inflict it upon those that do not agree with their religious beliefs.

    To live in a truly free society, we must have more tolerance and respect towards other’s religious beliefs, what-ever they may be.