It is disappointing how superficial and shallow society has progressively become with every passing year. On one side, there are the Hollywood, New York, London, and Paris trendies following the latest fad. They try to sell the idea that people are not attractive or good enough unless they follow the crowd, or by buying their product or achieving status one will be more popular, adored, or loved.
Then there is the other side, where are all the non-conformists try to be the complete opposite of the trendies, but end up being just as conforming and petty in their quest for validation. Looking at our society, how many various groups and people place more importance on superficial and shallow ideals than the person inside?
Some people's desire to belong to a group may driven by or be a substitute for void or emptiness in their lives, insecurities, low self-esteem, and the desire to fit in and belong to a group. The end effect is that some individuals that join groups may intentionally or unintentionally give up their ability to think for themselves and follow the pack instead. Does one need another's approval in life to feel good about their life? What is the meaning of the terms "being one's own best friend" or "free thinker"?
Then there are those groups that do not strive for excellence and underachieve their human potential. Can excellence be achieved without love, respect, gratitude, justice, equity, piety, veracity, affability, courage, civility, magnanimity, munificence, patience, perseverance, temperance, honor, humility, chastity, gentleness, modesty, clemency, prudence, temperance, honesty, objectiveness, docility, sagacity, virtue, and fortitude? Do some words and action have more meaning in life than others?
This category contains "kiss-offs" and can be used by anyone seeking to leave behind those that hold them back in life. An easier and classier approach than taking a cheap parting shot at someone, is just to say "no thanks" and walk away while never looking back.