From its inception to present day, Rock and Roll has excited, thrilled, and entertained millions and millions of people. The sound, rhythm, energy, power, creativity, attitude, and showmanship are alluring and captivating and currently generate annual music sales of $14 billion.
It is debatable that Rock and Roll's ambassadors, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, The Supremes, James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, and Marilyn Manson may be some of the most well known and influential people on the earth, particularly to young people. However, is Rock and Roll without its problems?
Most contemporary music is great, but there are some growing concerns that need to be addressed to make it better. Some of those concerns are the vast amount of negative lyrics that have grown in regressive content and volume with every passing year over the last 30 years. Some examples of negative song lyrics are those that advocate drug use, rape, pornography, racism, gratuitous violence, perversion, hate, sadism, narcissism, and nihilism. These trends have become so encompassing and vast that they are no longer kept to the fringes, but have flooded over into the mainstream, a mainstream whose current is very strong and influential.
Although this book’s main purpose is to celebrate lyrics and provide reference. It has also been designed and constructed to provide other utilities and dimensions, hence, the title, “Rock Wisdom.” Wisdom, in the context of this book, is whatever the reader takes away with them. It could be humor, education, council, insight, recognition, reference, or even, criticism, alarm, shock, and dismay.
This specific category contains adages and proverbs. Adages and proverbs traditionally are sayings that may express a well-known truth or fact. They typically have a positive educational element to them and can be used as a source for guidance and inspiration.
Human beings are imperfect by design. There are some elements within society that believe people should accept their imperfections, problems, and personal failures without any effort of trying to improve upon them or to aspire to one's greatest potential. Some people set low standards for themselves and others, rather than trying to rise above life's challenges.
On the other side, there are those people in society who believe the complete opposite. They believe that human beings have unlimited potential, and that people should strive for personal excellence in all facets of their lives (including personal values, character, and beliefs). From a more practical point of view, there are numerous benefits and payoffs. How does a person, relationship, family, community, and society benefit when a person is on a quest for excellence? Or how do they suffer when people are not on a quest for excellence?
Is not the first step towards achieving personal excellence that people must overcome the denial that a problem exists and that they are sub-performing in life? And is not the second step after self-acknowledgement, creating the self motivation and determination to not want to live a sub-marginal existence and to aspire to one's greatest potential, including helping others to achieve the same?
Are all song lyrics and entertainment really equal or can some have more meaning, significance, and impact than others and be used as a source of inspiration and guidance towards personal excellence?