This category evolved from a quasi-experiment to determine which has been more influential in modern day music: classical forces in music, literature, and art; or comic book heroes, such as Superman, Batman, and Spiderman. Both categories are included, so the reader may render their own judgment.
Besides being creative, imaginative, and fun, some comic books and super heroes can be good educational tools and teach many strong values such as responsibility, compassion, respect, honesty, truth and justice. However, this is not always the case.
Historically, the comic book industry is very similar to other elements of the entertainment industry (like music) by the way that they traditionally targeted general audiences (including children). Because of numerous factors like decreasing market size of aging baby boomers and increase of market substitutes and competition (from video games, video rentals, cable TV, magazines, and the internet), the comic book and entertainment industry had to develop new strategies to meet the changing environment and decreased revenues (or expand upon their already high revenues).
Gradually over the years, the comic book and entertainment industry have been expanding the content of their products to attract the interests of adults by incorporating more material that appealed toward some of their adult customers (i.e., gratuitous violence, sex, etc.), while maintaining a broad enough base of appeal to directly or indirectly target children and teenagers.
Sometimes, there is a comfortable overlap in which both age groups can enjoy, and a creative and resourceful artist/talent can exploit this consistently and successfully. However, other times there may not be a comfortable overlap. But this does not restrain many in the entertainment industry from intentionally or unintentionally targeting younger audiences with themes intended for mature adults.
It is interesting that many individuals in this country get upset to learn that the cigarette manufacturers target children and teenagers. Would people feel so passionately if they were to find out that the entertainment industry does the same thing but with sex, gratuitous violence, and other themes intended for adults?
Does society need to do a better job at distinguishing and separating what is intended for adults verses what is intended for children, and in particular be on the look out for those products that directly or indirectly target children with material that is intended for adults?