• The Who,

    Song Quote Artist Song Title
    I was born with a plastic spoon in my mouth. The Who, Substitute
    A man is a man when he can offer his hand. The Who, A Man Is A Man
    If you want her, you can keep her, cause I can only handle one at a time. The Who, One At A Time
    You welcome me with open arms and legs. The Who, You Better You Bet
    I know you're young and dumb. The Who, It's Your Turn
    No one knows what it's like to be the bad man, to be the sad man, behind blue eyes. The Who, Behind Blue Eyes
    Only love can bring the rain that makes you yearn to the sky. Only love can bring the rain that falls like tears from on high. The Who, Love Reign O'er Me
    Girls of fifteen sexually knowing, the ushers are sniffing. The Who, 5:15
    Good water, we need water, and maybe somebody's daughter. The Who, Water
    I don't care about pollution, I'm an air conditioned gypsy. The Who, Goin' Mobile
    I'm a soldier at thirteen. The Who, Slip Kid
    It's only teenage wasteland. The Who, Baba O'Riley
    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
    Listening to you, I get the music. Gazing at you, I get the heat. Following you, I climb the mountain, I get excitement at my feet. The Who, Go To The Mirror Boy
    Mama's got a squeeze box, Daddy never sleeps at night. The Who, Squeeze Box
    Why don't you just fff...fade away. The Who, My Generation
    I won't get what I'm after 'til the day I die. The Who, The Seeker
    I've got the hots for sluts in the well thumbed pages of a magazine. The Who, Dreaming From The Waist
    Got a bet there? I'll meet it. Getting high? You can't beat it. The Who, Dr. Jimmy
    However much I booze, there ain't no way out. The Who, However Much I Booze
    I'm the gypsy, the Acid Queen, I'll tear your soul apart. The Who, The Acid Queen
    Substitute me for him, substitute my coke for gin. The Who, Substitute
    Uppers and downers, either way, blood flows. The Who, 5:15
    I asked Bobby Dylan, I asked the Beatles, I asked Timothy Leary, but he couldn't help me either. The Who, The Seeker
    You still want me, well that just may be, but you gotta stand trial because all the while, I can see for miles and miles. The Who, I Can See For Miles